
spring snack schedule    

Free snacks are available at all library locations! No registration needed, simply stop by at the listed times.

Corning snacks, Monday Wednesday and Friday 2-2:30 PM or 4-4:30 PM
Crooksville snacks, Monday Wednesday and Friday 3-4 PM and saturday 11:30AM-12PM
Junction City Snacks, Monday and Wednesday 4:30-5:30PM, Friday 3:30-4:30PM, and Saturday 11:30AM-12PM
new lex snacks weekdays 2:45-3:15 and 3:45-4:15. Saturdays 11:30am-noon
Somerset Snacks, Tuesdays
new lex snacks weekdays 2:45-3:15 and 3:45-4:15. Saturdays 11:30am-noon
Bookmobile snacks, at all scheduled stops

Snacks provided in partnership with the Children's Hunger Alliance. Addition funding provided through a United Way Food Insecurities grant

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