PCDL Exploration Station

<img src="https://perrycounty.librarycalendar.com/sites/default/files/2025-01/PCD…; />

02/15/25 @ 11:30am -
02/15/25 @ 12:30pm

PNL Meeting Room

New Lexington (Main)

<p><em><strong>If accommodations are needed for you or your&nbsp;family to participate in this event, please call the library at 740-342-4194 or email our Reference Staff at reference@pcdl.org</strong></em></p>
<p><em><strong>If accommodations are needed for you or your&nbsp;family to participate in this event, please call the library at 740-342-4194 or email our Youth Services Staff at youthservices@pcdl.org</strong></em></p>
<p><em><strong>This program is food-based or contains a snack element. Please call the library at 740-342-4194 or email our Reference Staff at </strong></em><a href="mailto:reference@pcdl.org"><em><strong>reference@pcdl.org</strong></em>…; with any food allergies or dietary restrictions.&nbsp;</strong></em></p>
<p><em><strong>This program is food-based or contains a snack element. Please call the library at 740-342-4194 or email our Youth Services Staff at youthservices@pcdl.org with any food allergies or dietary restrictions.&nbsp;</strong></em></p>
<p>LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this library program.</p>

Registration is required.
Registration starts: 01/07/2025 @ 1:55pm

Registration end: 02/15/2025 @ 11:00am

<p><strong>PCDL Exploration Station</strong> is a safe space for youth of all abilities to enjoy library programming on their own terms. This monthly program is designed for youth ages 6-14 who need a little extra special magic to create, learn, and explore the world around them. Each month will feature a different program theme with open ended tasks and sensory-centered ambience with all of the fun expected from library programming.&nbsp;</p><p>First program: Open LEGO® Build</p><p><strong>February 15, 2025 at 11:30 am</strong></p><p>New Lexington location</p>

End date

Source URL: https://www.pcdl.org/content/pcdl-exploration-station