Ping Pong Ball Mini Lanterns Grab & Go Kit
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06/23/25 @ 10:00am -
06/23/25 @ 7:00pm
All PCDL Locations
<p><em><strong>If accommodations are needed for you or your family to participate in this event, please call the library at 740-342-4194 or email our Reference Staff at</strong></em></p>
Registration is required.
Registration starts: 06/01/2025 @ 10:00am
Registration end: 06/19/2025 @ 7:00pm
<p>Register for this fun Grab & Go Kit and create ping pong ball mini lanterns!</p><p>Decorate ping pong balls with Sharpies or paint to create your own custom, colorful designs that light up when attached to battery operated tealights. </p><p>All materials and instructions will be included in the kit. We encourage you to take pictures of your completed Mini Lanterns and share them with us on Facebook or by emailing them to the Reference Staff at</p>