<img src="https://perrycounty.librarycalendar.com/sites/default/files/2024-04/Hor…; />
07/01/24 @ 4:00pm -
07/01/24 @ 6:00pm
PNL Meeting Room
New Lexington (Main)
<p><em><strong>If accommodations are needed for you or your family to participate in this event, please call the library at 740-342-4194 or email our Reference Staff at reference@pcdl.org</strong></em></p>
Registration is required.
Registration starts: 06/01/2024 @ 10:00am
Registration end: 07/01/2024 @ 4:00pm
<p>Bring your Nintendo Switch and play ACNH! Share your island dream code to invite friends to visit your island and take turns designing the library’s ACNH island on the big screen!</p><p>Snacks will be provided.</p>