<img src="https://perrycounty.librarycalendar.com/sites/default/files/2024-11/Dec…; />
12/16/24 @ 10:00am -
12/16/24 @ 7:00pm
All PCDL Locations
<p><em><strong>If accommodations are needed for you or your family to participate in this event, please call the library at 740-342-4194 or email our Youth Services Staff at youthservices@pcdl.org</strong></em></p>
Registration is required.
Registration starts: 11/25/2024 @ 3:08pm
Registration end: 12/16/2024 @ 10:00am
<p>Register at www.pcdl.org for this fun, festive STEAM Saturday Flying Reindeer Game Make & Learn Kit. This program is open to all students ages Kindergarten through 6th grade, and will round out our section on gravity. All materials provided. Kits will be available starting the week of December 16th and can be picked up from your local branch or bookmobile stop. </p>